Scaledrone API v3 socket protocol

This page describes the Scaledrone API v3 socket protocol. If you wish to push data over the REST API, it's easier to use the REST API.

Scaledrone uses WebSocket and other fallback technologies for continuous connections. For most non-browser environments WebSockets should be the choice of technology. This is why this page will focus on WebSocket connections, if you do wish to use another method of connection please contact support for additional guidance.


The base URL against which the connection should be initiated is wss://

After connecting to the server, the client needs to go through series of JSON message exchanges.

Each JSON sent and received message needs to include one or more of the following properties: type, callback or error.

The type property will define the purpose of the message.


The callback property will define a reference number for the message when sent to the server a message will be sent back containing the same callback ID identifying the targeted message.

Each client needs to start it's own callback integer sequence from 0 to n. The first message would have a callback of 0, the second of 1 and so on.


When receiving a message with an error property something went wrong. When the same message also has a callback property the error is targeted to a specific message.

Tips & Tricks

A handy trick to see the protocol in action is to observe the Scaledrone JavaScript client WebSocket frames. You can do so in Chrome by opening the developer tools and navigating to Network → WS tab → websocket request → frames tab.

Chrome Devtools WebSocket Frames


Handshake process

Each client needs to start the connection by initiating a handshake process immediately after opening the WebSocket connection. The handshake process will define which channel the client is connecting.

Client → Scaledrone
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string handshake
channel string channel_id Channel ID from dashboard
callback integer 0 Unique integer to reference this message
client_data json {"data": 123}
  "type": "handshake",
  "channel": "3xmbUiTsqTzukjf7",
  "callback": 0,
  "client_data": {"data": 123}
Handshake callback
Server → Client
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
callback integer 0 Callback ID from request
client_id string hCzb:J2Fn UID to identify the client
version string 1.7.3 Scaledrone internal version
error string Channel does not exist Error if handshake failed
Successful callback example
  "callback": 0,
  "client_id": "hCzb:J2Fn",
  "version": "1.7.3"
Error callback example
  "callback": 0,
  "error": "Channel does not exist"

Subscribe process

The subscribing process is used to start listening to messages from a room.

Client → Scaledrone
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string subscribe
room string myRoom1 Room name
callback integer 1 Unique integer to reference this message
history_count integer 25 The number of messages to retrieve from the room's history
  "type": "subscribe",
  "room": "myRoom1",
  "callback": 1
Subscribe callback
Server → Client
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
callback integer 1 Callback ID from request
error string Unable to subscribe to room Error when subscribing to room
Successful callback example
  "callback": 1
Error callback example
  "callback": 1,
  "error": "Unable to subscribe to room"

Authentication process

When using JSON Web Token authentication the authentication, process will need to be passed.

Client → Scaledrone
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string authenticate
token string eyJ0eXAiOiJ... JSON Web Token
callback integer 2 Unique integer to reference this message
  "type": "authenticate",
  "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9...",
  "callback": 2
Authenticate callback
Server → Client
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
callback integer 2 Callback ID from request
error string Invalid JWT Error with authentication
Successful callback example
  "callback": 2
Error callback example
  "callback": 2,
  "error": "Invalid JWT"

Message publishing

Client → Scaledrone
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string publish
room string myRoom1 Room name
message JSON/string/number Hello world Message sent to the room
  "type": "publish",
  "room": "myRoom1",
  "message": "Hello world"
Server → Client
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string publish
room string myRoom1 Room name
client_id string hCzb:J2Fn UID of the sender. If undefined message was sent using the REST API
message JSON/string/number Hello world Message sent to the room
Successful callback example
  "type": "publish",
  "room": "myRoom1",
  "client_id": "hCzb:J2Fn",
  "message": "Hello world"

Observable events

Server → Client
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string observable_members
room string observable-room Room name
data JSON [{"id":"gIPLr76Qbi:LPj7mm9cY0"},{"id":"h0zbhCzb:J1WnJ2Fn"}] Array of users in the observable room, including the client themselves
  "type": "observable_members",
  "room": "observable-room",
  "data": [{"id":"gIPLr76Qbi:LPj7mm9cY0"},{"id":"h0zbhCzb:J1WnJ2Fn"}]
Member joins
Server → Client
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string observable_member_join
room string observable-room Room name
data JSON {"id":"gIPLr76Qbi:LPj7mm9cY0"} Data of the connected user
  "type": "observable_member_join",
  "room": "observable-room",
  "data": {"id":"gIPLr76Qbi:LPj7mm9cY0"}
Member leaves
Server → Client
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string observable_member_leave
room string observable-room Room name
data JSON {"id":"gIPLr76Qbi:LPj7mm9cY0"} ID of the leaving user
  "type": "observable_member_leave",
  "room": "observable-room",
  "data": {"id":"gIPLr76Qbi:LPj7mm9cY0"}

Message History (in beta testing)

To receive history from a room, the user must first turn on message history for the channel from the dashboard. After enabling it the user can ask for up to 100 of the latest messages from a room when subscribing.

If the JWT authentication defines a lower number of history items than what the user is asking for themselves, the lower number will be used.

The messages are returned with an index parameter indicating their order. You might receive messages in a different order than 0..n. It's up to the API client to make sure they are delivered to the user in that order.

History Message
Server → Client
Property Datatype Example value Required Comment
type string history_message
id string 6YJ7WoiDgs UID to identify the message
client_id string hCzb:J2Fn UID to identify the client
index integer 0 Index of the returned message. Used for maintaining the order of messages from the history. Message with index 0 is the latest and should be delivered to the user first.
message JSON/string/number Hello world Message sent to the room
room string myRoom1 Room name
timestamp integer 1528814484 Unix timestamp when the message was originally sent
  "id": "5mwlEafeEZ",
  "timestamp": 1528814485,
  "type": "history_message",
  "room": "feed",
  "client_id": "25OyQAjAn9:OBoxyMU7jJ",
  "message": {"feedMessage": "Hey there!", "color": "#c586cc"},
  "index": 45